Check out the reviews and the New Moon review (It never gets old)










Well I enjuried 4+ hours on a bus to be one of the 1400+ people in Cairns to be the first to see the Twilight sequel NEW MOON at midnight . It was excellent the girls were prettier and the boys were spunkier and in the case of Jacob deff' more buff!  Having read all the books I knew what was ahead of me. Edward and Bella are happy and back at school, but after a few incidents Edward thinks Bella would be better of without him - so he leaves her broken hearted . She reforms her relasionship with Jacob and but edward keeps apearing. she leaps off a cliff and nearly dies - Edward sees this so he thinks Bella is dead.  While all this is happening Jacob and crew are all turning into wearewolves and chasing other vampires. The secnery is beautiful and the ending is a great lead into the next movie which I can't wait for!!!!!!!!!

Hope you like it too,




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